Tag: power query

Hello again! This article is part of a series, so if you just discover this, I strongly recommend you start from the beginning. Let’s continue digging through the visual.json files. Today we’ll extract the fields used in visuals and we’ll figure out a way to extract the the first column of field parameters, where we set up the names we want to use. Yes, we’ll need to translate these as well.

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Hello again,

after some inactivity the blog is flourishing again.  It’s not really something I control. When there’s something I want to write in the blog, I suddenly imagine all the bloggers out there about to write the exact same blog post elsewhere, so I just need to do it, and do it fast. This is something I’ve been doing for real, but really applies in general so I think many can benefit from it. I’ve been asked to take *the* report and make it bilingual. But bilingual for real, so this includes everything: Titles, legends, data, everything. This is a topic that has been addressed a number of times,  and yes, there are demos out there. However, the use cases presented in general are either very simple or they start with a project that from the start was known that it had to be bilingual. The reality is, though, rather more complex. I’ll try to write as I progress through this project once I have figured each one of the steps. Let’s do it.

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Ok, so today there are no calculation groups in place, but I want to explain a technique to use incremental refresh even when your source does not support query folding as we normally understand it. Let me explain myself: In general the only use case that is widely documented for incremental refresh is when you load from a relational database that has a static date column (such as creation date of the record). You create your RangeStart and RangeEnd datetime parameters and off you go. And if you only read from your beautiful DWH, lucky you, no need to read further.

In the real world (at least the one that I know) people want to retrieve data from SAP, like a lot. I don’t really understand this SAP thing, but basically they keep scrolling adding columns with weird icons next to it until it’s all in. However, if they try to retrieve too much info, the query fails. So what is to be done?

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